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Week 2

This week, we read Ayako by Osamu Tezuka.

My personal opinion is that I am not a fan of this manga. While the concept of the story is interesting, I think not only the translation is awkward, but also the pacing of the story. Usually what compels me to become invested or feel attached to fiction are the characters, or worldbuilding--which isn't really applicable for Ayako, but none of the characters are very enjoyable for me, except Naoko and Su'e. Even Ayako herself leaves me unsettled and disturbed at the end.

Aside from the characters that make me a little more than disgusted by their nature, the story pacing and translation was also jarring to me. I understand trying to interpret a dialect; however, the way the translator did it made it very awkward to read (at least from the version I read online). In addition, the story pacing does not seem to develop "naturally" to me. Like, at the end when Shiro just whips out TNT and blows them all up... What? Where did this come from? Why did Shiro also take Ayako into the cave despite him wanting justice for her? I mean, I kind of understand Ayako being the only survivor, but it's just so weird.

I know that Tezuka is the Father of Manga, but I think we've come a long way in storytelling and art for manga and anime. While I can respect him as a historical figure, I am not a huge fan of his work. Perhaps it's my attention to aesthetics, and that Tezuka's work is outdated in terms of art. I can respect his impact though, as I recently read Pluto by Naoki Urasawa, one of my favorite mangaka, who also based it off of Astro Boy. Manga wouldn't be what it is without Tezuka, but I don't think I'll pick up one of his "dark" pieces again.

After in class discussion, and learning that this was his first foray into harder and darker pieces, I think it makes a lot of sense now.


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